double bass

photo: Waldemar Kielichowski © Institute of Music and Dance, Warsaw

Local name: basy (basses)
Classification: 3 Chordophones / 32 Composite chordophones / 321 Lutes / 321.3 Handle lutes / 321.32 Necked lutes / 321.322 Necked box lutes or necked guitars / 321.322-71 Necked box lutes or necked guitars sounded by bowing with a bow
Maker: Kuczkowski Łukasz
Date: 2009
Village / Town: Warsaw
Region: Mazovia
Country: Poland
Owner: The State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw
Inventory number: PME/1/KZ
Materials: wood, metal

double bass (PME/1/KZ); rec. Museum of Sound

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